Vox AC30TB from 1966 JMI Vox AC30TB from 1966

Laney - Amps

Laney Klipp 100 Rentals Backline Recap Munich München Vermietung Laney Klipp 100

Laney Klipp 100


Year: 1974


Great sounding piece of history. The Klipp Channel is famous for

it´s brutal wide Doom, Stoner, Sabbath Sound.

Laney AOR 100 Series II  Rentals Backline Europe Gemany Munich Laney AOR 100 Series II

Laney AOR 100 Ser. II


Year: 1989


Already almost an 80s legend.


Well known for it´s typical Laney - Boost - Doom - Overdrive Sound.

Laney IRT 60  120 H Rentals Backline Laney IRT 60

Laney IRT 60 


Nice modern sounding head with 3 switchable channels, reverb and boost.

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